Monday 27 December 2010

Best of 2010

Around the globe, the nerds, “The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wasteoids, dweebies, dickheads” have procrastinated and made the kind of viral links that will tickle anybody’s funny bone.

Thus here are the links of 2010, you should look at, ponder at and laugh about.

  • So this year saw the chocolate sweet giant, Cadbury’s got took over by the bigger chocolate giant Kraft. If only it merged with Nestle……
  • HA------------choo!
  • XKCD: A great web-comic, that is all about romance, sarcasm, math and language.
  • Logorama: The winner of 2010 Short Animation Film Oscar, is all about a freaky world that is based around logo’s. Ronald McDonald is a freak and the Hairbo kid is a little shit.
  • Scarface School Play: Why have parents decided to make kids act out a film with 399 swear words? Fudge knows
  • Nerd audition: This below nerd and virgin made an audition tape to some sort of crap TV show; he took it of the internet and someone put it together again and back on the internet. Thus starts the chain reaction, of the nerd becoming the evil genius his, voice deserves.
  • Scary cows…..scary cows
  • If this is true, we can time travel to star in Charlie Chaplin movies
  • Hide your kids, hide you wife: if you haven't seen this news video or its remix then you are truly out-of-tune.
  • 27bslash6: is the most funny, annoying twat out there. Here is his how he can piss off a cat lover
  • Lol

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