Tuesday 13 April 2010



Women say men are simple creatures, like dogs – give us a big enough bone and we will stay amused for hours

Due to a recent Twitter, I found out about this guy, now its not going to take you long to guess what he’s hobby is.


This guy has took the hobby to the extreme, so that he is no longer a man but a nerd (a different species altogether)




I am not a Nerd, no matter what you say I am not; because like many a man I have a wide variety of hobbies that change constantly. 

Here follows Exhibit A: Mr Danny Wallace

To many this guy is a god – he is a journalist, author, script writer, produce, TV presenter, radio DJ and cult leader.

He has many a hobby, some he keeps, some he drops. but the point is he like many man (not nerd) does not stick to one thing.

This does beg the question, about why woman complain about men not sticking to relationships, or being indecisive – surely the type of man they need is a nerd. because they stick things though until they are fat, stuck living with they parents and call themselves Darth-Cranium hmmm anyways I’m going off the point here.

Danny Wallace hobbies have included – starting a cult called ‘Join Me’ in which people simply do a good thing on a Friday. – stuck to saying YES to any question or request for a several months. – try to create a country. – chased up all his old school friends. – and nearly travel around Europe following a trail of twin cities. (his girlfriend stop him, by stating it was a stupid boys project)

This is what I like doing though, stupid boys projects – its what makes us men without having to hunt down bear

Exhibit B: ME       

Current Hobbies

  • social networking: i have this blog, I have Facebook, I have Twitter, I’m on Blip, I’m on Foursquare, I have connected these all together. I’m just bloody mad for it!
  • Environmental stuff, which mostly involves social networking as well; like I said – I’m bloody mad for it!
  • Watching all the top 500 movies listed within an Empire Magazine Oct 2008 – got 120 to go.
  • I write, I try a bit of poetry, lyrics etc
  • that thing that all blokes do…..you know………that (cough)

Past Hobbies

  • I write a book, yes a whole book – not everyone knows this and I bet many of you are not reading this (well done if you have) This book is roughly 120,000 words – so a full novel. but it currently just sits within my laptop, as i don’t have a hobby in trying to get it published yet
  • I created a giant KitKat bar, using 4 KitKat chunky’s
  • I tried playing the guitar – gave up. I tried again – gave up. I tried bass guitar- gave up. I tried guitar again – i gave up
  • I tried to bring sweatbands back in fashion, gave up after a week
  • i tried to learn to cook – didn't happen
  • try to drink 24 cans in 24 hours – fell asleep after 17
  • getting fit

Hobbies I’m thinking about

  • running the marathon (see previous bullet point)
  • biking around the North Sea (hard to explain + see the previous previous bullet point)
  • writing another book/ film script

and they must be many more in which I just think about but get pushed to the back of my head, being saved for the future.

He is another factor on why I am allowed so many hobbies – I don't have a girlfriend who can turn round to me and say ‘its a stupid boys project’. This is the only great thing about being a single man….

does this make me a nerd??????? please comment

1 comment:

  1. I guess the geek within the video finally felt ashamed
